Thursday, January 31, 2008

This Febuary at the Artist Exchange... can see, and perchase the fine, fine, art works of the 303. I'm not really sure how it happened...but, it did. Josh Ellingson, Jason "Red Dot" Dryg, Dave Garvey, and myself...Matt DeLight...all have something at the Art Exchange this month... Which, lemme tell ya... Valentines Day is just right aroung the corner... and nothing sez I love you like The 303. Why, you may even see some of the members slinking around opening night fer free wine and cookies. yeah, cookies are delicious.
The openinig is Friday Feb. 1st...7-9ish...maybe later's the address and gallery hours.
Artist-Xchange Gallery
3169 16th Street
San Francisco
CA 94103


Mon-Fri: 12pm - 9pm
Sat: 11am - 9pm
Sun: 11am - 8pm

wwwwoooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh 303!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The 303 loves hella environment... the memeber donate pieces to help bay area clean-up...are we awesome or what.
my mollusk flier...

I, matt delight, did the drawing...and ya know, i have no clue who did the text.
anyhoo, if you live in the bay area...check it out and buy some art....everything is priced under 100 dollars. that's pretty cheap for owning a piece of history.